Sunday, April 17, 2011


I really did intend to go.

My high school reunion. Forty-two years. I had missed the 40th for some reason.

After all, it was going to be at Orange Blossom Festival and that might be fun.

But then I couldn't. I couldn't go back at OBF. I couldn't watch floats and bands and think about the times that Dan had been in that parade ( or me for that matter with him watching). I couldn't go to the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast that my father use to organize.

I just couldn't go.

I really wanted to talk to people. But I knew I couldn't. I knew I would not stick to the small stuff.

I was born there. My parents are buried there. My strongest memories of Dan are there.

I will return. When we bring Dan to join mom and dad. Until then Lindsay has to stay a memory in my head.

1 comment:

  1. You'll go when you're ready to sucks to miss a reunion (I know, I've missed all but the first one of ours) but the beauty of the Internet is being able to find and catch up with old friends (and sometimes, wondering why the heck we were ever friends... ;) )
